Raymond Terrace Accountant

We simplify accounting with tax prep, bookkeeping, and payroll for individuals and businesses.


Let us crunch the numbers so you can focus on what you do best.


We help businesses with their finances, no matter how big or small. We take care of things like keeping track of money, paying employees, doing taxes, and showing financial information.


We offer expert tax services for individuals and businesses, including planning, filing, and disputes. Our team uses their experience to find tax-saving strategies and ensure maximum returns.


Our expert bookkeeping services cater to small to medium-sized businesses, providing accurate financial records through data entry, bank reconciliation, and more.


Businesses in Australia are required to follow certain tax laws called GST and BAS. This means that they have to pay an extra tax of 10% on their sales and also report their tax obligations every three months.

About us

Expert accounting services in Raymond Terrace, partnering for your financial success.

We are a team of experienced accountants dedicated to providing top-notch financial services to individuals and businesses alike.


Our team is CPA & CA certified.


We help with any tax needs.

Some faq for more inquiry

We offer tax, accounting, bookkeeping, and BAS services to individuals, small businesses, and corporations. Our experienced team provides personalized and reliable financial support, including assistance with tax preparation, payroll management, and BAS lodgement. Our mission is to simplify financial management so clients can focus on their core business. Clients receive accurate and timely financial advice, ensuring their financial matters are in good hands.

Use the form on top to send us your enquiries, feedback or comments. Alternatively, call us on 02 4933 6888 to speak with our friendly and knowledgeable staff. We value all feedback and are constantly improving our services to better serve our clients.

Raymond Terrace Accountants can help with your personal tax return. Experienced and qualified accountants provide optimization of your tax affairs. Advice on potential deductions and tax credits may also be given. Our personalized service ensures your needs are met with clear explanations and simplicity. Contact us to learn more.


We offer tailored bookkeeping services to clients at Raymond Terrace Accountants. Our experienced team provides a complete range of services including data entry and management, account management, payroll, and financial reporting using modern software. You’ll receive efficient, accurate, and up-to-date services tailored to your needs. This frees up your time so you can focus on growing your business. Our services will take the hassle out of managing your finances, ensuring your financial records are in good hands. Contact us today for top-notch bookkeeping services that suit your business needs.


At Raymond Terrace Accountants, we provide a wide range of tax services to businesses and individuals. Our team of experienced tax professionals offers expert advice and support to clients across various industries. Our tax services include tax planning and strategy, tax return preparation, BAS, GST compliance, tax compliance review, and audit assistance. We also specialize in complex tax matters, including effective tax structures for businesses and SMSFs. We work closely with our clients to meet their compliance obligations and help them achieve their financial objectives while minimizing their tax liabilities. Get in touch with us today to learn more about how we can assist you with your tax needs.


We offer various accounting services to help individuals and small businesses manage their finances. These include bookkeeping, tax planning, financial statement preparation, cash flow management, and payroll services. With our expert help, business owners can make informed decisions, comply with regulations, and maximize profits while focusing on running their business.

Contact us

Servicing Greenhills, The Hunter Valley and surrounding areas.

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Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)